Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association
Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association

PYLL Youth





Paul Quill               quillp@comcast.net                   617-291-5123    
Darrell Benson     dbenson1@comcast.net            508-454-3973



Rules for the League 

  • Federations High School Rules at all ages (20 and 10 counts) 
  • Keep it in in last 2 min (4 goals or less) 
  • 2 / 22 minute running time halves
  • 2 minute halftime 
  • Referees keep score (Referees are only reporting scores to coaches of game) 
  • Referees keep game time and penalty time 
  • No timeouts 

- Please make sure games start and finish on time! The schedule is very tight, and the club directors are very aware of this. If a team is not ready to go, you must start your clock. If a coach has a problem with this, have them call their club director. 


- There will NOT be parking fees collected at games since this is a league (They charge parking fees for tourneys) If requested, explain you were officiating.


- Game fees will be paid by ArbiterPay at the end of each month

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