Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association
Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association
Getting Ready for 2025 Season - Stay Tuned
Referrals for new members should be referred to the Become a Ref tab and email newlaxref@gmail.com

The Eastern Massachusetts Lacrosse Officials Association (EMLOA) provides officiating services for all levels of Men's and Boy's lacrosse. The primary territory for delivering our services includes leagues and schools located throughout Eastern and Central Massachusetts.

             2025 EMLOA REGISTRATION AND DUES                Current Members (Adults 18 and over)

As in years past, EMLOA will allow members (adult officials) to pay your Annual Dues either by check or online. We also have a Venmo and Paypal option. Contact Darrell Benson if you want o use one of those payment methods dbenson1@comcast,net

The online system will allow you to pay with either a credit card or by electronic check. The online system is very simple to use and is streamlined for a quicker online experience.


PAY EMLOA DUES BY CHECK - The check payments are handled directly through the EMLOA Treasurer - note that we have a new treasurer in 2025.  Checks or money orders should be made out to EMLOA in the amount of $90 and mailed to:
EMLOA c/o Mel McKee
                227 Winter St.
                Ashland, MA    01721


PAY EMLOA DUES ONLINE - You can pay online by clicking on the button below. You will be taken to the authorize.net secure checkout page - enter the Security Code and click Continue. You will be given the option of paying with a credit card or by an electronic check. Fill in your billing information and your email address and submit your transaction. (Note that your shipping info is the same as billing info, so just check the box and info will populate.). Once you complete your transaction, you will see a receipt page - you may print that for your records if you so desire. You will also get an email receipt so make sure you enter your correct email address!


NOTE: If you are trying to pay using Google Chrome (phone or PC), you may experience a problem with the "Pay 2025 Dues" button. In that case, either launch a Microsoft Edge browser or an Internet Explorer browser window and pay or you can always pay by check.


Send any questions or concerns pertaining to the EMLOA 2025 Dues policy to:



2025 EMLOA REGISTRATION AND DUES                 

EMLOA 2025 New Candidates


If you are a current member of the 2025 EMLOA (adult) New Candidates class and you want to pay by check, see information above for paying by check. Remember, amount is $140 $115.

If you are a current member of the 2025 EMLOA New Candidates class and you want to pay online, click on the button below (2025 New Cand $140 $115). New Candidate Clinic fee of $50 is cut in half for 2025, hence only pay $115 ($90 dues and $25 Clinic fee).

Hall of Fame Inductee - Roy Condon

Roy Condon was recently inducted into the the NILOA Hall of Fame, and also the National Lacrosse League Hall of Fame. The picture that he is holding was signed by mostly all of the officials from district #1. Roy was also named to the 25th Anniversary NCAA All Tournament team as one of the of the Officials.

Pictured here, left to right Eric Evans, John Hill, Roy Condon, and Dave Pinciaro




We have lots of openings for lacrosse officials in Eastern and Central Mass. If you are interested in joining our ranks, apply below. We have a program for everyone!


AGES 18 and OLDER -If you are 18 or older, you have two choices:

1) Full EMLOA - sign up and take the new candidates classes. You can do HS Varsity, sub-Varsity and Youth. With some experience, you can advance to men's games and College games.

2) Apprentice EMLOA - this program is geared towards two groups, 1) college aged adults (former AO's) and 2) parents/coaches of youth players (Dads with Flags). College students can officiate HS subvarsity games (with an adult) as well as any level of Youth lacrosse. Dad's with Flags can do the same.


If you'd like to become a Lacrosse Official in 2025,  email  newlaxref@gmail.com     We will respond  with information on Training and Certification. Click on the "Become a Ref" tab above for more information.


AGES 17 and UNDER:

If you are a HS student under the age of 18 you have one choice:

Associate Official - go to Associate Officials pages for more information.


Pics above - March 3 Annual meeting with over 250 attendees to get the the 2024 season off on the right foot.


To review a recording of the makeup meeting use this link.  

2024 EMLOA Annual Meeting Online makeup recording: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/3545881456901098666


2025 ASSOCIATE OFFICIALS (High School age)

The 2025 Associate Official (High School aged officials) Training Program is currently underway. To access ALL pertinent information relating to the AO program, click here - Associate Officials Page  or click on the Associate Officials link on the menu at the top of this page. You will find information on the following topics:

AO Certification and Recertification Process including Nomination Process, Registration Process, Training Classes and Testing, Mentoring and Evaluations/Observations

AO Pay Rates and Coverage


PAY ASSOCIATE OFFICIALS REGISTRATION/DUES - Information for paying your 2024 Associate Officials Registration/Dues is available at the following link on the Associate Officials page Registration and Payment . 


5NCAA Rules changes for 2024 and NFHS (high school) rule changes are posted on the Rules & Mechanics tab

Directions to USALax 2025 NFHS exam.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [7.9 MB]


Adobe Acrobat document [334.8 KB]
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