Checklist for EMLOA new candidates
- First class – check made out to EMLOA or money order for $110 ( $110--2024
dues and all Arbiter fees and class fee) If a full time college student, we offer a discount, dues are $45
Mail to: Doug Davenport, 7 Oak St. Medfield, Ma 02052 Payment options now also
available on-line via website Select the appropriate payment tab (College discount use the Associate Officials tab, $45)
- Join US Lacrosse - $60 (insurance provider, Annual Rules test)
- MIAA background check - $45 (background check for other sports will be accepted, you will then just need to register with MIAA for lacrosse $10 fee per sport.
- Annual full membership meeting on March 3 will have more details
These compliance requirements must be met to become eligible for game assignments at all levels, including
Uniforms will be