Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association
Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association




A very good video demonstrating 3-Man mechanics can be found at:


Face off—single side official does face off.  Lead left bench side official helps face off, lead right bench official makes sure field is ready and watches wing players.

Settled situationlead official has same responsibilities as in a two-man game, except he does not worry about sideline call.  Trail official has same responsibilities as in a two-man game, he is just on the same side as the lead.   Single side official has the changes.  Single side official acts as second lead.  He is positioned from Goal Line Extended to 2 yards above GLE looking through zone 4 towards the substitution area.  He moves in toward crease, out towards alley and even below GLE depending on the movement of the ball.  He is responsible for far side line calls and assists the lead in calls in and around crease.

TransitionTrail to new lead same responsibilities as two-man game except he does not have 10 second offensive count.  Lead to new trail has the same responsibilities as 2 man game except he does not have the 20 second clearing count.  Single side official has the 20 second and 10 second transition counts.  Single side has primary offside call.  Single side transitions to GLE and is ready for settled situation.

Goal scoredLead official gets ball out of net and conducts the next face off as the Single side official.  Lead left official assists the face off.

Stick checkLead left gets stick from team whose bench is on left, lead right gets stick from bench on right.

TRAIL Official—Responsible to relay penalty(s) to table.


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