Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association
Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association

General Info supporting new officials


We appreciate your interest in joining Eastern Massachusetts Lacrosse Officials Association for the upcoming 2025 season.

What the EMLOA will do for you to prepare you as officials.

  • Classes taught by veteran officials who will present material with organized, simple presentations which will include video, rules references with common sense applications
  • Mandatory meeting on March 2 at Xaverian High School will include both rules presentations and hands on demonstrations covering procedures and mechanics.  Again, all taught by veteran officials with patience and willingness to answer questions.   Uniform and equipment supplier is available. 
  • Scrimmage and pre-season assignments will be available in group and individual settings to get additional training and preparation.  Various levels of high school and youth competition will be available here.  You can manage your progression.
  • Regular season meetings for the week of March 31 will be just for “newbies”, officials in their first to fifth years.  Presentations will be targeted with situations common to most games, things you haven’t seen yet, how to officiate to the game level, dealing with coaches, how to get games, the Arbiter, and most importantly, Q & A in an environment that is non-judgmental, as most will be in the same boat, NEW.  If available, assignors will be present to also answer questions as well.
  • We will set you up with a mentor.  Again, a veteran official will be available to introduce you to the game, the important people, be available to answer questions after a game and possibly work with you on the field.


If you played the game, you will see it from a different perspective.  Same if you coached.  If you didn’t play but have officiated other sports (like me) we will take your officiating skills and adapt them to lacrosse.  And if you have done neither, the opportunity is still there to learn and master officiating lacrosse.

You will advance as fast (or slowly) as you choose.  You will need to take charge of your career as a lacrosse official, but the EMLOA will be there to support you.



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