Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association
Eastern MA Lacrosse Officials Association

Approved MIAA Mercy Rule Change

MIAA rule change – handbook item 22. Page 67

Part V, Rule 74: Lacrosse, by: MIAA Lacrosse Committee (https://www.miaa.net/media/2489)

Previous Rule:

74.6 - In Boys lacrosse, if a team is leading by 12 goals at the end of the third quarter – the fourth quarter will have running time. There will be no resumption of stop time once running time is started.

Approved Change:

Remove previous rule from the MIAA Handbook and revert to NFHS Rule 3, Section 1 Art. 2

What this means:

NFHS Rule 3 Section 1 Art. 2: After the first half, any time the score differential reaches 12 goals or more, starting with the whistle resuming play, the clock will only be stopped for a team time-out, official's time-out or an injury time-out. All penalties that occur during a score differential situation will be running time. In this situation, running penalty time begins with the next whistle resuming play.



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